... I planted last spring are putting on a show. Across the street from my house, at the entrance to the golf course. The showy lily plants you see here, are glorious right now are actually Easter lilies that can't tell time, to know that it is a month past Easter. Purchased the day after the Sunday holiday last spring when they were marked down and on sale for $1 each. I persuaded the boss to dramatically discount instead of just throwing them in the dumpster, so I could bring them home and plant over there along the edge of the bed to re-bloom every year.
Other things that I have relocated over there that are currently in bloom are some roses that flowered all last summer. They got much bigger than I expected, as they were rescues and were originally in wee little four inch pots. Lots of agapanthus I dug up from my yard and moved: you can barely see blue flowers on tall stalks back behind the lily plants on the right side of the photo. Several crepe myrtle that will get tall over time and produce watermelon/mauve blooms later in the summer. A couple of the salvia pollinators love that will have little red blooms all summer long and attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. There all more lily plants that I hope will come back: Asiatics that have those wonderfully fragrant blooms, with the dark maroon throat.
I think the only thing I paid full price for was a lantana, that I am not sure survived the cold we had back in January. It has gotten pretty weedy lately, after all this drenching rain we have had, so I need to go and put in a little time getting the undesirables under control. The course has irrigation, but I don't think the sprinklers cover the entire area I have planted stuff, so some might not thrive or even survive if we don't continue to get sufficient rainfall. I did some watering last spring to get them started, but my intention was for them to be very low maintenance, learn to be independent, survive without much help.
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