Friday, January 28, 2011


...even unfunny-er than yesterday is the fact that I knew what I was getting into when I went back for more of the same today.

I'd been sitting around in my pajamas on Thursday morning, after deciding I could keep myself plenty busy without having a sub. teaching job to jeep myself entertained. When the phone rang about 8:30... "strange" I thought to myself, and answered it get an offer for a job working in the first grade.

It was a really stressful day, and not at all fun, even though I generally think kids that age are really amusing. I don't know if it was just the idea of the teacher being out, or what made it such a difficult class to manage, but I was very happy when that day was over.

So I was sitting in the same place this morning about 8:15 when the phone rang again, and I though to myself: "that's strange" because the home number nearly never rings, with everyone so addicted to cell phones. But I answered it to hear a voice saying: "Ms. Fluker, are you coming back?" I was completely baffled, until I realized it was that same school, and I was expected to re-appear for a re-match. They had apparently put me into the computer system for the second day without actually letting me know about the request for a substitute for Friday. I had to think/consider, but decided anyone else who went in there would have the same experience I did on Thursday, and I could just bite the bullet and make the best of it, having a slight edge over anyone who would go in for the first time. I did have the foresight to put the tylenol in my lunch box so I could take it at lunch time, but did not have the wisdom to take headache relief prior to the actual need, before I even left home, which would have been a smart move.

I am very thankful it is Friday, and there is not another school day this week. And that we are not Japan where the schools run six days. I don't think I have it in me to do that again for a while. And suspect that a few days of working at Publix in the next couple of weeks will be a pleasant interlude from short people.

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