Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dec. 24th

Not expecting any body to come and entertain us here on Christmas day... that will be a major non-event. I can't remember when there has been No excitement, No 'crack of dawn' activity in my life: people with ants in their pants at 5:00 (or earlier) on Christmas morning. The hysteria will be limited to seeing how long the batteries I bought at the Just-a-Buck store will last in the electric/remote controlled train set we will be putting together in the morning. Pretty low key anti-excitement to my way of thinking. We need bicycles! roller skates! go-carts! to create chaos!

My early memories of Christmas mornings include having such warm weather that kids were swarming the streets in shorts and T-shirts showing off their new 'wheels'. It was always overcast, usually damp, but invariably warm enough for chasing around the neighborhood without heavy winter wear to hamper activities.

If I was not so tired from getting about four hours of sleep last night (due to irresponsible chocolate consumption, most likely - it was not so fantastically, remarkably, astoundingly good as to be worth lying in bed for several hours with eyes refusing to stay shut, and brain whirring at a gazillion miles an hour.. I'd have rather had the sleep because it's barely dark and I feel exhausted, ready for bed at 8:00!) I'd stay up until late, with the hopes of sleeping past 6:00 a.m. tomorrow: that would be a real novelty.

Since Santa is not coming down my chimney, it would be a real treat to be lazy slug-a-bed - but I guess there is too much 'Choppy' in me for that! So feel free to call, or stop by at 6:30 for a cup of instant, decaf and visit - I'll be up wandering around in my p.j.'s, puttering in the kitchen or emailing...

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