Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11-17-09 If it hurts so much, why do you keep doing it to yourself?

I have been working as a substitute 'para-pro'/teacher's aide for past two days, in elementary schools on opposite sides of town. I am astounded at the difference between the two.

The class on Monday was almost as far north as a five-year-old can go and still be in the school system. I was so impressed with how organzied and professional that young woman was. She is a great teacher, has the classroom under control and really seems to know what to do/how to to manage two dozen children.

The class room today was the most chaotic, disorganized experience I have had since I started back in the 'monkey herding' work just over a year ago. Part of the problem is that the teacher is a long -term sub., replacing someone who is out on maternity leave till January. The other part is she can't manage - in no small part, due to the environment the children are coming from and the lack of discipline and experience the four year olds have had thus far. I predict she won't make it till Dec. 17, and might have a complete breakdown if her aide is out again before then.

I have another job tomorrow at the Only high school in town I would consider going into. And fully expect it will be a good day, with students who will not give me any problems, likely with so much work assigned they won't get finished, and therefore won't have time to be trouble...

All this to say how thankful I am the people I was personally responsible for turned into functioning adults. And even more thankful that they are not trying to muddle their way through the public schools in the situation they are in now. I can't imagine how that young woman I was with today must feel: thinking that she has to 'tough it out' because she needs the money. I know that filling in as a 'long-term' subsititue pays better than the 'day labor' I have been doing in a haphazard fashion, but not at the risk of mental stability.

The stars are shining, the world is turning, God is Good.

1 comment:

  1. you are cute as pie.
    i'm glad i'm not still in high school too!
