Monday, July 16, 2018

a new reason... worry, as if The Man Who Lives Here did not get ample gratification from all the things already filling his plate of things to fret over that keep him awake at night. It took me many years to discover what a consummate Worry Wart he is - partially due to his career of being in the insurance business. I now realize his propensity for being in a state of continuous anxiety is obviously an asset in an occupation that gives high marks to anyone who stays up late pondering all the things that can go wrong in life. (I wish I had known this years ago, and could have gotten  him a second job on the staff with the people who come up with new corollaries of Murphy's Law... you know, those guys who are convinced that everything that can go wrong, will.) This also explains his obsession with The Weather Channel: a perfect place to send the remote- channel-surfing man who thinks that bad weather forecast on the far side of the globe might need him to stay up and pace the floor late at night.

He got up unusually early today in order to meet his Monday morning buddy at IHOP. They have a standing date to meet for breakfast. I doubt they talk much: I know I don't get any conversation out of him at meal time. When there is food available, that is his focus. Maybe over the second cup of coffee at the pancake place they might talk. The meet-and-eat was earlier than usual because The Man had to return  home and wait for the cable guy to come... you know the drill: sometime between 8 and 11.

When he left IHOP and drove the several miles to get back to the house, he reported a wreck on our street. In the vicinity of the low place in the road that was underwater recently when the culverts got backed up and street flooded, making it impassable for several days. The wreck probably happened due to deer dashing across, running from densely wooded area on private property to the protected area of the golf course on the west side of the thoroughfare. According to the report from Mr. I-need-something-new-to-worry-about: there were two cars off the road, which would have required two tow trucks to resolve the problem. Meaning after the wreck(s), vehicles running into the ditches, it would have taken some time for traffic to return to normal.

He said: The worst part is that one of them looked like the little white Toyota you drive, so I thought it was YOU! It wasn't.

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