Thursday, February 21, 2013

at least I hit the target, sorta, somewhat...

When I went up to Chatt-e-nooga last weekend, we had decided that I would take along my weapon.

So you might be asking: What??? and Who??? and Huh???

I have been listening to entirely too much talk about the zombie invasion, mostly from people in the Atlanta area, where the "Walking Dead" is filmed, (and freaks abound). That is apparently a very popular topic of conversation that has not filtered out of the metro area into the sticks here where the bumpkins reside. So, in order to protect myself from the inevitable invasion, I decided it would be a good idea for me to be able to defend myself when they come shuffling up to the door. Especially now that I have been informed that though they are already once dead, a shot to the head will stop them in their tracks.

Therefore: I requested a 'gift' of a handgun, knowing  my aim won't be great, especially early in the morning when I am wandering around trying to remember where I left my glasses - so long arms are not practical (when theun-dead are shuffling incessantly at the door). The story is; about a year ago, actually last January, I sort of, vaguely suggested that I might possibly, remotely be interested in having (and learning how to use) a pistol. Just thinking about the liklihood of maybe going to look at handguns. Mr. Give-Me-That-Problem-and-I-Will-Solve-It called  me the next day and said: "Meet me at the pawnshop." He had talked to the guy who does the firearms training (he often sees at the greasy spoon where guys congregate for big plow-hand breakfast platters). And the guy from public safety recommended the hand-gun cops usually carry.

Remember: I am only pondering the remote possibility of maybe thinking about gun ownership... But Mr. Give-Me-That-etc., had me walking out of the pawnshop with a pistol and two boxes of ammo. I guess I was kinda freaked out. No: I Know I was uneasy with the idea of owning a deadly weapon. So it has been sitting in the closet for a year. Waiting to pounce? Waiting for me to get comfortable with the idea of being a gun-slinger? Waiting for me to figure out how to use it? All of the above? Yes.

I  went to apply for a license to carry (concealed weapon) in south GA, and was told I hd to apply in the county of residence. So finally got around to doing that back in the fall. Took my application, photo ID, requsite money order (no checks or cash) to the Probate Judge to apply, then to the marshall's office for fingerprinting.And just last week, it came in the mail.

I took it with me when I went to visit in TN, and we went out into the woods (private property, family owned) to 'give it a shot'. I did, aiming at the round white plastic lid of a five gallon bucket, and hit it several times. I think the clip holds nine - and I might have hit four. So, in essence, I am even more dangerous than the average shooter - occasionally hitting what I am aiming for, and often hitting things I did not mean to put a slug in. There were those amongst us who wanted the 'shotgun' experience, but I declined - so my shoulder will not be aching for a week from the kick. It was pretty interesting, as well as a little scarey.

I know that the only way I will develop any skill with my aiming is to practice - and get a laser to improve my aim. I am sure that practice will help me be more comfortable, with ownership and use, as I am 'way out of my 'zone' right now. And will also make it easier to load. Thinking if I am going to own it, I should make the effort to learn how to carefully, safely, cautiously use it.

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