Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anniversary of a birthday

Thanks to the people who provided the food and entertainment that made Saturday night so amusing. I knew it would be an occasion of great hilarity - and it's even more of a delight to not know specifically what will cause us to all fall out of our chairs. Just that it will be fun and funny to be with people who are so devoted to laughter. Thanks for making the effort to come and spend the time.

Time, people: that's all we have. Our least appreciated, and most valuable commodity. Time, just give me a little bit of your precious time.

I was reading a book some years ago, that oddly enough was on the reading list for one of my kids, who found it so immeasurably dull she could not make herself finish it - while I was so bored (must have been on a road trip/family vacation of vehicular confinement) I consumed it cover to cover. I think it was an incomplete work by Ernest Hemmingway found in his estate, which someone decided was worthy of printing.

The line I wrote down and still have stuck under a magnet on my fridge from the tome: "If you don't do things for fun anymore, you might as well be dead". I wanted to have that quote sandblasted on my stone after I die, but they reminded me there will be no marble marker, since that defeats the point and purpose of cremation. Therefore, I would like to memorialize it here.

I am continually thinking of things to add to my bucket list, so I guess I better start taking better care of myself in order to live long enough to get all that dare-devil, off-the-wall, totally inappropriate, irresponsible, foolish, crazie, dangerous, unlikely stuff done.

I do not look at, participate in, or know anything about Facebook, so if you are attempting to communicate with me through Facebook: don't bother, since I Never, never, never look at it.

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