Friday, November 19, 2010

getting our collective ducks in a row....

Thinking I could drop by the church today and spend a couple of hours getting things organized for the craft fair tomorrow, I went over about 12:30, and finally left about 6:45. I have decided the best choice at present is to start praying that no one will get so pissed off - and blame me- that they leave our congregation, and quit the church entirely.

It's been a bit more complicated than expected, but since I don't really have any idea how to plan and put on a Creative Crafts Fair, I am hoping it will appear to most of the people who are participants like it is running smoothly. And will ultimately be a successful event. I have no idea what I am doing, though I sincerely hope that none of the people involved are blog readers, and the people who will be coming up asking me about 'what?' or 'how?' or 'when?' will assume that we have already planned for that 'whatever' and give the appearance of being sincerely in control...

Hopefully it will go smoothly: there are nearly forty people signed up as vendors. Some came in this afternoon, and started setting up. That was far more involved than it appeared on paper (esp. since all I had was some index cards with names on them and a big sheet of purple bulletin board covering), but with folks pitching in, everything came together and we seem to be about as ready as we are gonna get....

More on Saturday night: if I do not get tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.... (so quaint not likely anyone will even think of it to use as punishment if they feel like I have done a compeletely incompetent job - but what did they expect for what I am getting paid???)

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