It's the middle of October... I know it's not winter, but I was so sure I would be miserable when I left the house early on Saturday morning to spend another day practicing my servant-ship in Hamilton: after I got dressed, I went back and put on another (under) layer and wool sox. Good move. Especially since I had decided I should stay until the last candle was blown out Sat. night, and it was both cold and dark when I finally got home at nearly 10:00. It was really touching, but also a very long day.
I felt obligated (and more than a little guilty) to do all I could to be a useful worker-bee on Sat. as I knew I had no intention of going back today. Being at church is very important to me feeling 'fed', and I felt like I had put in ample time behind-the-scenes in the kitchen. Especially after finding myself up to my soggy elbows in the dishwater following the spagetti supper. Pasta noodles floating around in the suds was pretty yuck. Like swimming in a farm pond when you can't see what else is in there with you :(>
A beautiful day here in middle GA: a little windy, but classically clear fall sky, with occasional hawks/raptors riding the thermals, searching for those lower down on the food chain. I had been sadly slacking on my usual daily walking, so put in some miles today, pondering and praying. Checking on my fall garden: the onions are up after all the rains in recent days, and the radishes are looking good. No sign of the beets or carrots, but I hope a few sunny days will provide some evidence of sprouts to go along with the cauliflower and broccoli starts I planted a month ago.
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