Sunday, October 7, 2012

wandering around middle GA in the dark...

I went to central-middle GA last night. With my cohort, who suggested we could want to go to the Emmaus candlelight at Camp Dooly (which as you might assume is in Dooly County, some where in the dark, south of Vienna, possibly near Cordele?.) She had been a number of times, and said she knew the way well enough to find our way back home. So we decided that this weekend would be the one for us to go. It was pitch black dark when we got there, going nearly due east, and probably not very far from hitting Interstate 75 highway that bisects GA south of Atlanta.

It was a really sweet service, and I am glad I went. The camp sign indicated that it was founded in 18-something or other, so it has a long history. I assume was started as a Bible camp/retreat for area churches. The dang trains run right through the camp (probably all day and all night!)- and you cannot hear or even really think when the locomotives hauling freight cars rumble through. So even though I did not hear every thing that was said, I pretty much got the jist of the proceedings. Having 'candlelighted' at the Pine Eden retreat, and knowing that the event is pretty much the same world-wide was helpful.

We pray, celebrate communion, and then light candles before the pilgrims come through. Everything is seen by only the light of hundreds of individual candles. Each candle held by someone who made the trip out there in the woods, in the dark. Just to honor what those people who have retreated for the weekend are doing.

I actually saw a couple of faces I recognized as people who come to Candlelight when the Valley group has a Saturday night service up in Harris County. It's really a very gratifying experience: for both the men/women on their Walk, and the people who show up to light candles, showing their love and support for the event.

Drove 170 + miles and got home at 11:00 p.m. - well past my bedtime!

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