Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Anniversary, GSUSA

When I got home last night, I read your blog about the Senior Girl Scout whose accomplishments were honored over the weekend. How appropriate that it was done in her home church, presenting her with the pin, sharing the story of her efforts, and giving accolades, as she received the Girl Scout Gold Award. What a sweet story. 
(see: theadventuresofstinkysweet.blogspot.com)

It pleases me so see you so delighted with your employment, finding such pleasure in what you do. It is obvious  you are excited about your work:  thrilled to have a part in encouraging, guiding, supporting these young girls in their work toward their goals, helping them grow into responsible, motivated, capable young adults.

The efforts involved to complete the requirements for the Award are, as you know, considerable: not the least of which is more perseverence than most teens care to invest. What you, and fellow scout employees do, to say  nothing of families and friends who provide the ongoing support to help keep these young people motivated is such a precious gift to the next generation: helping them uncover skills, talents and abilities they did not know were within themselves. Nurturing those seeds that were planted in childhood, in homes as families daily interact, living out their beliefs and teachings, instilling traits and strengths that have been there growing all along, just needing some caring adults to help them uncover. 

As you well know, when these budding young adults reach high school, there are so many other (more appealing) activities occurring in their busy lives, for her to have the motivation,  devotion and support to continue in Scouting is very uncommon.  And to complete the considerable requirements to receive the Gold Award is most commendable with all the other demands on their time.  I expect everyone present,  the whole congregation felt invested, and rewarded to hear of her accomplishment.

I know She is the one who devoted her time to earning the award, but without the continual encouragement and pushing, propping up from adults within her circle of influence, it would not have happened. What an sweet, precious, amazing opportunity to praise her efforts in the presence of the people who have have most loved her all her days.

As you shared her 'Scouting story' on Sunday, you poured out such a blessing on her and the extended family in her church community, showing honor and respect to those people who have been her supporters since her birth, guiding and nurturing her into becoming the young adult she is blossoming into.

You can believe that all the people who were there for that event will never forget that day. What an honor to be a part of it.

And didn't you feel the love?

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