Thursday, June 2, 2011

I can't sleep, it's 3:30 a.m..... :(

I took the melatonin like I do most nights, and got up for an hour or so. Made a cup of 'sleepytime' and drank that (just a little cup, so I would not have to get up in an hour when my bladder said 'it's time!', but still not sleepy. I don't want to resort to serious drugs, so guess the next step is to go to the health food store for some advice: unless you have any suggestions?

I think, for me, part of getting a good night's sleep is doing things that make me tired during the day, and get my body in the mood to need rest. So I cleaned off the porch this morning, did a bit of yard work (spraying super-dooper, industrial strengthy weed-killer on ivy) and went to the Y to swim... that should have been enough, don't you think?

Here I sit at 3:40 a.m., waiting for the tea and dugs to kick in...think I will go try to read myself to sleep...

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