Thursday, July 11, 2013

u-pick-em blueberries...

I have been out in the back yard picking blueberries, three times in the past two days. Two of those occasions I had to quit when it started raining - but I really had all that would fit on the baking sheet I put them on to freeze, so it was time to stop for a while. There is this one bush, there between the board fence belonging to the neighbor and our chain link that has been in place for over twenty-five years. It is so amazingly prolific - that is really all the bush I need or can keep up with.

A neighbor bought two bushes many years ago, with the understanding that I would plant them and we would share in what they produced. He is deceased, and I am not telling the new homeowner about the agreement. One bush is an early bear-er, that does not make anything worth picking. But the other more than makes up for that. I probably have three quarts of berries in the freezer, from yesterday and today. And there are more that are not ripe.

I think I have given away all I picked last season, but am seriously thinking about digging aroundin my box for the muffin recipe. They are so huge, big, fat - you will think it an exaggeration when I say I have picked some that are the diameter of a dime! But it is true - and I have the blueberries to prove it. If I were to make muffins - they would be so full of juicy berries they would fall apart - but while we are eating them with a spoon, they will be So good.

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