Saturday, July 27, 2013

mostly about cleanliness...

Doing a bit of 'public gardening' today on Broad Street in the Historic District of Uptown Columbus. After several hours of being in the public at the Gardens of Callaway in Harris County on Friday.

A group of Master Gardening chums have taken on the care and feeding of the demo. gardens at an old house Uptown. It belongs to the Historic Columbus Foundation and is in an area where the Pemberton House is located. (You know - Mr. Coca-Cola.) Gardening fiends have been going in pairs over the summer doing upkeep to the landscaping as needed - and with all this rain there has been quite a need. I've agreed to go several times, with someone I have yet to meet. Today is my first, so I am sure I will know a lot more about what I've gotten myself into very soon. Supposedly meeting to do some weed pulling and possibly shrub-trimming at 9:00, just routine maintenance type stuff, trying to keep up with all that grows in a very wet season. This qualifies as a 'cleanliness project', right?

I will go early and get started, as I have another commitment at 10:30.

Which is the appointed time for the free demo./class at Home Depot on how to set tile. This should be interesting. I know there are all kinds of 'how to' helpful videos and sources of advice on the internet - but as with most 'foreign' topics, I know I will feel better equipped after an opportunity to put my hands on the materials. It can't be that complicated or difficult - but as you can imagine - practice is the key.

Then I have to go to Publix for a few hours, which I am not at all excited about. The department managers are a negligent bunch when it comes to sanitation. So I have been invited to come in today to get some cleaning done. Sadly - something I do not like, enjoy, and postpone at my own house, so why would I want to go and do it someplace else? For the pay, I guess. Even though it does not provide enough remuneration for me to want to spend my day cleaning up someone else's mess.  I have been hoping for months they would continue to ignore basic,common-sense cleaniness practices and it would come back around to bite them. My employer pays a private company to inspect all their stores for sanitation, and the inspectors come through largely unannounced, so you don't get a weeks' notice to industriously clean all the stuff you have ignored for months. You read all the time in the media about people becoming ill due to food, and how it is traced back to a particular source: like the peanut butter-borne illnesses here in south GA of recent years. So there is always ultimately accountability. Sometimes it just takes years of neglect for it to occur.

Oh - and while we are on the subject of cleanliness: I cleaned all the floors in my house the first of the week. Tile, hardwood, carpet. And left to run some errands. When I got back, I discovered a root beer explosion in the kitchen. Not all that amusing to the person who had just been mopping. Especially due to having told him that he had to actually take the bottle of diet root beer outside to open it, after I saw it dropped on the floor at the store. But it got opened in the kitchen, and then the floor got mopped twice in one day. (insert sad face here.)

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