Monday, May 23, 2016

blooming agapanthus...  my yard, in the narrow little bed between the front wall of the house and the concrete apron of the driveway. Glorious agapanthus, also know generically as Lily of the Nile. I can't say why, have not done any research, other than to guess that multiple blooms high on a long stem above the narrow strap-like leaves look sort of like papyrus that grows in Egypt.

I dug the bulbs/corms up from the yard at 1209 N. Court street, some years ago. Naturally, I will always think of the man who first planted them at his house every time I see them being so happy and prolific here with multiple beautiful blue blooms, when I pull up in the driveway. They have grown well there in the bright sun, multiplied and spread. I have divided and put some in other places around in different beds, but none do as well as the original planting right out by the front door.

And some Easter Lily plants I have put out in the leaf mulch are starting to open up. There are some up near the street,, visible to passing traffic. And others out on the north side of the house, across the lawn, where I can see them from the table as I sit and type. Loaded with buds, ready to pop open with  multiple white, trumpet shaped flowers.

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