Thursday, January 3, 2013 was your holiday, part 2...

Qualifier: Unless you think you have a pretty sturdy constitution, you need to stop reading, and wait for the next trivial post.

Hope you enjoyed time during celebrating New Years' with people you really like. Not just whom-ever might have invited you to the party, or the people that made the most noise, or had the best finger-food, or the most alcohol that needed consuming before we ran out of 2012 - but folks who have meaning in your life, people you want to stay connected with, and would like to spend more time with in the coming twelve months.

I can't say that I did any of the above, good or bad.But readily confess that here, at my house, it was pretty ugly.

I must have eaten something I should not have. Hard to believe I would say that, since I have 'proclaimed' and boasted for years that I am the person who can eat things that have been sitting in the fridge so long it would probably kill, or at least make deathly ill, anyone else in my household. Proved myself to be a big liar on December 31. I'm pretty sure I know where I went wrong, and most certainly will not do that again.

It was not a pretty sight, or fun when I was in the bathroom, lying on the hard cold floor. Thoughit lasted only long enough to remove the offender from the premises. Reminding me of the comedian Bill Engvall,who, when asking what he should eat before taking off in a jet with Blue Angels high-flying precision aerobatics team, was told to consume Peanut Butter, since it tastes the same coming back up as it does going down.

But it's over, and I survived. And the ill effects were apparently not all that long lasting: by noon on Jan. 1, I found myself in the deli. at Publix hoping they had some black-eyed peas on the hot bar, as I did not want to have to go home and cook them myself. Knowing better than to tempt fate, I was fortunate to find enough in my take out box, to provide all the 'insurance' as well as the usual by-product from eating lentils to believe that 'good luck' , if not necessarily great wealth that theoretically accompanies eating greens on New Year's Day, is on the way in the coming year.

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