Thursday, January 5, 2012

a multitude of reasons for being thankful... (ongoing)

When I went down town last Sat. to do my little volunteer jobette, painting in the renovated branch bank building, I noticed a group of people standing around on the sidewalk. They were in front of the little brick building that is office space for the Homeless Network, a program that provides services/info. to people on the streets. They obviously had no place to go, nothing to do, nowhere else to hang out. It was Saturday, and the building was not open to the public. They were back there, standing in a close huddle to conserve body heat, on Monday morning, when the Network was probably closed for the holiday. Again: no place to go, nothing to do, except hang out... waiting for the next meal at Valley Rescue Shelter.

So let's start counting our blessings. Clean underwear? Warm clothes? Warm beds? Warm houses, bathrooms with heaters? Houses with thermostats instead of tents?Hot water for showers? Soap, towels? Toothbrushes? Resources to pay the power bill when it is cold or hot? Windows to open when the weather moderates? Vehicles to drive, plastic to pay for gas to power vehicles? Gloves to keep from touching that cold steering  wheel? Carports to park cars in that prevent the 'incovenience' of scraping frost off vehicles that are paid-in-full? And let's hear it for wool socks!!

To say nothing of plenty of food, nutritious, meals of our choosing? To the point of making decisions to Not eat something if we choose? Health. Walking: sturdy, one-owner shoes, strength, energy, motivation, fresh air, sunshine, back around to good nutrition that gives the strength and energy to get out and do it...Plus a Highly Motivating factor is an excursion I am looking forward to in early August when I will go to TN, with P and C and J and his posse.

Family. Time. More time with family. I am making a deliberate conscious effort to spend time with the people I care most about. Have spaces marked off on my calendar for the next 12 months to devote to the people I love most who make me laugh best. U know who U R!  I'm excited already!

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